Sunday, April 3, 2011

After the deluge.

If you look closely at the date of my last post you will see it was March 10th, the last normal day that Japan will experience for many days to come. We were in Tokyo the day before when the Tohoku area had a strong pre-shock to the massive quake that came on the 11th. We didn't notice it as we were probably on a train or in the metro at the time.
Needless to say, I haven't been in much of a mood to blog for the last 3 weeks. We live at the mouth of Tokyo Bay on the end of the Chiba peninsula and have been spared this time. Except for the major hit this area is suffering due to the loss of domestic tourism, life goes on at it's normal tedious pace.  The frustration  I feel living in such rustic surroundings is compounded by sadness for what happened and the inability to take physical action to contribute to recovery. I also have a nagging sensation that like the upstairs neighbor taking off his shoes, the second one is about to drop.
So, I have found myself getting more into the Japanese things that comfort me and give me assurance that an earthquake and tsunami will not keep my people down. I enjoy listening to traditional Japanese music and reading the haiku of my favorite poet, Santoka Taneda. Since spring and cherry blossoms are upon us now I thought I would share a haiku that seems appropriate for the season and recent events.

weeds that may die
any time
blooming and seeding

Peace be with you.


  1. Thank God for Sakura and for the resilience of all of you in Japan.

    Tom S.

  2. Thanks Tom! Looking forward to your next trip here!


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